Boost Oral Health with Mouthwash

May 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — morriscountydent @ 12:36 pm

To keep our smiles clean and healthy, we brush our teeth twice each day and floss daily. However, if you would like further protection for the look and structure of your teeth and gums, you can enhance your daily routine.

Rinsing with mouthwash can do more than just give your mouth a minty fresh feeling. It comes with many benefits for the well-being of your smile. Read on to discover three oral health advantages you can experience when you add mouthwash to your regimen.

How Will Mouthwash Help My Smile?

Enhance Your Oral Hygiene

The natural bacteria in our mouths generate a film over our teeth called plaque. This plaque eats away at our teeth and causes structural dental damage that could require emergency dental work to fix.

We remove plaque with regular oral hygiene practices. However, we consume substances that contribute to plaque formation in between our oral hygiene regimens.

Rinsing with mouthwash after a meal can get rid of lingering food particles, boosting the cleanliness of your mouth. You can lower your risk of dental concerns by adding this to your routine. You can also decrease your chances that these particles will give you bad breath because they will be promptly removed.

Fight Periodontal Problems

Plaque can also allow bacteria to reach your gums, leading to an infection of the tissue there called periodontal disease. You may experience inflamed and bleeding gums with this infection. But as it spreads, it can also lead to major damage to your jawbone and tooth root that could result in tooth loss.

Dentists emphasize preventative dental care when it comes to gum health. If you are prone to periodontal problems, your dentist may suggest adding an antibacterial mouthwash to your dental care regimen.

This type of mouthwash balances bacteria in your mouth, lowering your risk for infections. This effort can keep your gums healthy and stop irreversible damage before it develops.

Strengthen Your Tooth Enamel

The surface of your teeth, enamel, shields a vulnerable interior. Though durable, enamel can erode over time due to poor oral habits or factors outside of your control like aging. Once the enamel has deteriorated, it cannot regrow.

You can stave off enamel erosion with good oral hygiene practices. But sometimes, you are prone to this dental damage despite these efforts. If you require replacement for worn enamel, your dentist may recommend a dental crown.

To better preserve your enamel, you might try rinsing with a mouthwash that contains fluoride. Fluoride is a material that fortifies your enamel. It makes it more resistant to surface stains as well as elements that aim to wear it down.

By protecting your enamel, you can lower your risk of getting cavities. This will save you time and money as you can spend less time in your dentist’s chair repairing your smile. Ask your dentist about the additional benefits that mouthwash can provide for your oral health.

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