Don’t Ignore Minor Dental Symptoms

March 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — morriscountydent @ 11:45 am

If you feel extreme pain in your tooth or see other severe changes in your smile, you know to call your dentist right away. But dental problems can also present with more subtle symptoms that may have you guessing you should wait to tell your dentist at your next regularly scheduled appointment.

However, some minor dental concerns can be symptoms of larger underlying problems that may wreak irreversible havoc on your dental structure and require urgent intervention from your dentist. Do not ignore these symptoms and do not hesitate to give your dentist a call. Read on to learn about three symptoms you might notice in your smile that could point to serious dental problems.

3 Minor Dental Issues That Could Require Urgent Care

Tooth Sensitivity

Have you ever bitten into a portion of food or sipped a cold drink and felt a sharp jolt of pain in your tooth? This tooth sensitivity can feel excruciating, but the pain usually fades quickly. Tooth pain of any kind is abnormal, however. So you should not ignore this symptom if you think you can tolerate it.

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the outer layer of your tooth, enamel, wears down, exposing the nerves in the tooth’s interior. If you have enamel loss like this, you could be at risk of other dental dangers as well.

Tooth sensitivity can also develop as a symptom of existing dental problems like tooth decay. Seek pain relief and restore your dental health by talking to your dentist about this condition. You do not have to suffer through discomfort in your teeth.

Bleeding Gums

Sometimes, your gums might bleed due to acute scenarios like brushing your teeth too harshly. But if bleeding gums persist or seem to have no clear source, you might have gum disease.

This common type of infection in the gum tissue often begins with inflammation, swelling, and bleeding in the gums. But as bacteria spread to reach the tooth root and jaw, you can see extensive and irreversible dental damage that could result in tooth loss.

Prevent this serious harm to your smile by seeking urgent treatment for gum disease when you notice this symptom. Gum disease does not go away on its own, so do not delay periodontal therapy. Seek routine exams from your dentist too to catch gum disease and other issues early when it is easier to treat.

Chronic Bad Breath

Bad-smelling breath can affect the best of us after a strong-flavored meal. It develops when lingering food particles start to decay within the mouth. But usually, this symptom goes away when you scrub away residues on your teeth with your usual oral hygiene routine.

If the bad breath becomes chronic, you could suffer from an oral health concern. Oral infections or advanced tooth decay can give you persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, due to excess bacterial build-up which can be smelly. Consult your dentist if this symptom does not go away on its own.

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