Dentistry Solutions for Facial Sagging

August 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — morriscountydent @ 4:39 pm

Many people strive to maintain a youthful appearance in their face as they age. They practice skincare regimens to keep their skin tight and firm. But sometimes a loose or saggy look in the face does not come from changes in the skin. It may happen due to oral health problems.

You can consult your dentist to learn how your oral health can influence your facial structure. Preventative dental care is crucial if you want to preserve your jawline and smile. Read on to find details about how dentistry can address a sagging appearance in the face.

What Dental Problems Cause Facial Sagging?

While changes in the skin as you age could lead to a loose or sagging facial appearance, problems with your dental health could also impact your face shape. For instance, if you lose one or more teeth, you might see a significant alteration in the way your face appears.

Missing teeth are the primary cause of this sagging look in the face. A healthy dental patient has a full set of teeth that feature roots that extend below the gumline to the jaw. The tooth roots stimulate the bone in the jaw to keep it strong.

After tooth loss, the jawbone no longer receives this stimulation and can begin to deteriorate as a result. Loss of bone structure can make the jaw shrink, and the smaller jaw size will make the face appear sunken. Then the skin in this area will sag, making you look older.

Tooth loss can occur for a number of reasons. You might suffer impact trauma that knocks out a tooth. Or severe dental damage from gum disease, tooth decay, or other concerns could make the teeth fall out.

How Can I Prevent Facial Sagging?

You cannot stop jawbone deterioration and resulting facial sagging after tooth loss on your own. But your dentist can help you prevent this problem by offering highly effective tooth replacement through implant dentistry.

Unlike removable tooth replacement options, a dental implant features a titanium post anchor that the dentist surgically inserts into the jaw. It replaces the missing tooth root, not just the teeth above the gumline. And it can keep the jaw stimulated, therefore preventing jawbone loss and preserving the facial structure.

If you lost too much jawbone already, you may require a bone graft to restore structure that can sustain the anchor before you proceed with implant dentistry treatment. The dentist will use x-ray imaging to evaluate your oral health and determine your eligibility for this treatment.

You can also lower your risk of tooth loss in the first place by practicing good oral health care. This means completing thorough and consistent oral hygiene that can keep dental problems at bay.

You should attend regular check-ups at your dentist’s office where they can diagnose and treat potential dental issues before they progress and lead to tooth loss. Learn more by reaching out to your dentist today.

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