Which Foods Might Crack a Tooth?

October 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — morriscountydent @ 4:35 pm

Your teeth feature a strong, durable outer layer that can withstand the everyday wear and tear of chewing, biting, and other oral functions without issue. However, under high pressure, a tooth might crack, chip, or fracture. This dental injury may leave a patient in pain, but even if the tooth does not hurt, it remains vulnerable to other oral health concerns.

Do not ignore tooth breakage. Seek urgent dental attention to fix a broken tooth, even if it seems mild. One way that you might accidentally crack a tooth is through certain foods in your diet.

Knowing which foods may pose this threat to your dental structure can help you avoid a dental injury. So read on to learn about four foods that could potentially break a tooth if you do not eat carefully and pay attention to your smile.


Popcorn is a light, popular snack made from corn kernels heated in oil until the pressure makes the fluffy interior pop to the outside. The salty, buttery snack is delicious, but the fluffy texture can hide hard, unpopped kernels in your bowl.

If you accidentally bite down on one of these kernels, you could easily break a tooth. Even a small crack could deepen and worsen without prompt dental treatment. So do not ignore this injury. Call your dentist right away if you suspect you hurt a tooth. And be careful when you eat popcorn.


A bagel can help you build a delicious sandwich that will suit any time of day. But bagels have a surprisingly dense texture that might cause you to crack or chip a tooth if you do not practice care when biting into this type of hard bread.

A dentist can treat broken teeth with a dental crown, which will cover the injury. But you should preserve your natural dental structure for as long as you can. This will mean paying attention to your eating habits to reduce your risk of tooth breakage.

Hard Candy

Hard candy is a type of sweet treat made from boiled, melted sugar that solidifies into familiar, classic candy as it cools. It is designed to suck in the mouth until it dissolves. But many people feel tempted to bite down on hard candy before this point.

This creates a high risk of breaking a tooth. If you cannot resist biting hard candy when you consume it, it might be a good idea to steer clear of this treat. Consult with your dentist to discover alternative snacks that will not harm your oral health.

Corn on the Cob

Eating corn on the cob is a fun way to consume a popular starchy vegetable. But your teeth are not made to bite directly into a hard corn cob. You could potentially injure a tooth eating corn in this manner. So you may want to consume corn off of its cob when possible.

However, if you do eat corn on the cob, take precautions while you eat so that you do not hurt your teeth. Pay attention to your diet and your eating habits to best preserve your smile.

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